Gas Carrier

Gas carriers

Gas carriers


These vessels are highly specialized forms of tankers. The two types of gas carriers are known as LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).

LNG is the methane product and it is shipped in insulated tanks at minus 162 degrees Celsius at atmospheric pressure so as to maintain liquid condition.

LPG is used to load mainly propane and butane. They are also used for shipping chemical gas and ammonia, and there are two different types of LPG.

The size of gas carriers is usually declared based on their cubic capacity in CBM. The size of the gas carriers ranges from small LPG of about 500 CBM to VLGC of about 85,000 CBM, while the LNG is about 265,000 CBM. In particular, the Q-Flex design (about 210,000 - 217,000 CBM) and the Q-Max (capacity of about 261,700-266,000 CBM) that make up the Qatari Q-Class offer the largest available capacities.