Heavy-lift Ships

Heavy-lift ships

Heavy-lift ships


These vessels are used to carry extremely heavy loads that normal vessels are not able to accommodate. The heavy-lift vessels require comprehensive and accurate monitoring of the ballast tank to maintain safety during operations, and they have particularly powerful ballast pumps to ensure fast response times. The main requirement is stability. Despite the presence of oversized, large cargo, they are often carried over the deck. They are similar to multipurpose vessels; however, they are used to lift heavy project loads, which can reach up to 2,000 tons. It is also impossible to load them by derricks or cranes in a conventional vessel.

There are several types of heavy-lift vessels:

  • Semi-submersible vessels

    These vessels are mainly used in operations that are carried out in the open sea, such as oil drilling and oil production platforms. Semi-submersible vessels have a long and low well deck between the forward pilothouse and the aft machinery space. With these vessels, many sea operations are carried out with the least amount of problems. This is the most important factor that makes these vessels indispensable for important sea operations.

  • Project cargo vessels

    Project cargo vessels are non-submersible vessels that load bulky and heavy loads using one or more onboard cranes. These vessels have between 13,000 and 19,000 DWT.