Ocean Freight
The shipping of goods by sea via shipping containers.
Ocean Waybill
A document that draws up the contract for the carriage of goods by sea.
Off-hire პუნქტი
Terms of a time charter agreement on the suspension of payment for the use of a vessel.
Discharge of cargo from a vessel.
ღია ფასები
A rate negotiated by a shipper at a shipping line (conference) for additional loading of the agreed limited consignment to one of the vessels of the line.
ღია რეესტრი
A term used in place of "flag of convenience" or "flag of necessity" to denote registry in a country that offers favorable tax, regulatory, and other incentives to ship owners from other nations.
ღია კონტეინერის გახსნა
A container with an open roof and designed to carry cargo that is too large to be loaded through standard container doors, such as machinery.
სიტუაცია, სადაც არსებობს ძალიან ბევრი გემები ზოგადად ან კონკრეტულ ვაჭრობაში არსებული ტვირთების დონეზე.