Tehlikeli mallar
Transported content that may pose a risk to safety or health and requires increased attention during its transportation.
Kabullenmeye karşı dökümanlar
Instructions that the bank gives to the person who is involved in the shipment. They contain information that documents that transfer the right to own a particular product should be delivered to the buyer only after the buyer accepts the attached project.
Ödeme karşılığı belgeler
in international trade - an arrangement in which someone can collect imported goods only after paying them at the bank and confirming payment.
Taşımacılık için beyan edilen değer
Bir navlun oranını veya nakliyecinin yükümlülüğünün sınırını belirlemek amacıyla, gönderici tarafından bir konşimentoda beyan edilen malların değeri.
An organization that provides packaging for orders, goods, etc.,
Ertelenmiş Para iadesi
An arrangement whereby a carrier reimburses a percentage of the total freight cost to shippers who transfer their goods for a specific period (usually six months) to the carrier. This refund is paid at the end of the period.
Teslimat talimatları
A special document that the carrier receives so that he can pick up the goods.
Teslimat Siparişi
A special document issued by the customs broker to the sea carrier as an argument for the delivery of goods by one of the parties.
bekleme süresi
Penalty for misuse of free time that is allocated to load or unload cargo.
A characteristic of physical indicators that measures the weight of a cargo per unit volume or pounds per cubic foot.
Yoğunluk oranı
Dependence of cost on such characteristics as weight and density of the cargo.
Penalty for misuse of free time that is allocated to load or unload cargo.
Unloading contents from a container or other equipment.
Delivery Fee
Depending on the type of cargo, it is determined for how long the payment for delivery will be contracted.
Duty Disbursement
Expenses of agents that they incurred in port.