Advanced Transport Management with Logistics Map & Virtual Office

Discover the future of freight management with SeaRates' latest innovation - Transport management panel via Virtual Office & Logistics Map. Imagine being able to manage your entire fleet, from trucks to ships, with just a few clicks. This revolutionary tool puts all the power of advanced logistics right at your fingertips, allowing you to easily organize and promote your transportation services to an audience of hot leads around the world. Whether you're a carrier looking to optimize your operations or a shipper looking for the perfect transportation solution, SeaRates opens the door to smooth, efficient and profitable logistics management. Let's dive into how this game-changing feature can transform your business.

How does Transport Management work with your Virtual Office?

Let's take a look at the main features and benefits of creating and managing each of your transport unit with the proper parameters, details about the transport's readiness for loading operations, indicating different pricing options, additional descriptions for customers, and much more for improved visibility of all logistics assets to owners and stronger cooperation with customers and partners.

Entering the Virtual Office is the first step to getting closer to extensive transport management. There is a menu on the left side, which includes the ‘Activity’ section with the ‘Transport’ tab — an advanced logistics asset management panel. Here, you stay on the transport list.

  • To start, press the ‘Add transport’ or ‘New Transport’ buttons.
  • The comprehensive form to fill in details is opened. To fully collect data on each transport unit, carriers have many fields to gather all necessary and optional data.
  • The general information can be filled in by different transport units, names, models, types, and numbers, as well as specified carriers. You will find lists of transport types for each Transport Unit sorted by popularity.
  • The fields are changes appropriate to the units our users choose.
  • Next, carriers provide the shippers with the desirable or adjacent place of loading and other details.
  • Also, there is an instant option to specify the price of transportation, including the demanded currency and terms.
  • All additional information and images can be attached to provide more details about transport for carriers themselves or to enrich their clients with extensive service descriptions.

At this stage, you complete data accounting on transport assets and have the option to go back to the transport lists, and there is the transport preview in the message about successful record saving.

On the transport lists, the unit owner can edit, duplicate, and update the data to actualize the information, delete one, all, or several selected existing records, import/export in the XLS format, and generate the link to share records with any counterparties beyond the SeaRates marketplace network.

Advanced and easy management of the whole truck fleet of any size takes a few minutes to explore our interactive ‘Transport’ panel. Data gathering in one place ensures the highest level of visibility for carriers/transport owners who provide logistics services within a particular region or globally to optimize upselling.

Beyond streamlined fleet management and accounting, the ‘Transport’ tab in the Virtual Office allows the creation of transport offerings and promotes them into the Logistics Map. Transport owners or operators can simply provide all the details on the fleet units in their Virtual Office Profile to automatically locate them with specified pricing, readiness dates, planned directions, and much more shippers are looking for in the Logistics Map. Anytime, the transport providers can edit offerings in case there are any changes in the supply chain planning. Such real-time quotations allow users to rapidly find requests from active leads and adjust to current market needs to provide competitive services. Let's discover how.

How does Transport Management work with the Logistics Map?

Explore the new feature of the ultimate Logistics Map tool that provides business capabilities for shippers and logistics providers in one place — the ‘Transport’ tab as a management panel to promote and choose transport services under any supply chain requirements.

Let’s get closer to advanced searching for vehicles by various parameters to find the best ones. Starting with the places of origin and destination, users can effortlessly fill out all necessary details for their fleets by going to the ‘Filter’ tab. There is a streamlined Autocomplete service that visualizes and allows you to choose the appropriate place for your inquiries.

Looking for such information as transport location with radius mentioning, dates of readiness to load and unload, ID number, and marked transport units:

Standard, High Cube, Refrigerated, Open Top, Flatrack, Bulk, Tank, Platform, Pallet Wide, etc.
Custom truck, Tilt, Mega, Jumbo, Dry van, Metal body truck, Van, Conestoga, Isoterm truck, Isoterm van, Refrigerator, Refrigerator van, Dump truck, Tank truck, Grain carrier, Car carrier (Autocart), Logging & pipes truck, Drop-side platform, Open platform, Flatbed truck, Lowboy truck (Heavy loader), Cattle truck, Coil carrier, etc.
Bulk carrier, Containership, General cargo vessel, Barge, Product tanker, Crude carrier, Asphalt carrier, Chemical tanker, Gas carrier, Heavy-lift, Livestock, Refrigerated, Ro/Ro, Wood chip, etc.
Custom, Covered, Freight semi-wagon, Hopper, Flat, Container platform, High side wagon, Side dump wagon, Tank wagon, etc.
Custom aircraft, Airbus, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Eurocopter, Mi’s, YAK, charter flights, etc.

Pick several options from the list and search for the needed ones, or choose an entire checkbox by a tick next to vehicle type.

Then, you can find rates for transport services by adjusting settings per km, day/days, hour/hours, flat, mt/m*3, kg, or fixed priced.

Finally, users can select 'My transport' to search for a vehicle submitted from their own account or 'My company’s transport' to display all vehicles submitted by other accounts of their company.

For Shippers

Consignors and shippers can start their path with the Logistics Map by filling out the Request a Quote form to automatically place their transport request into our real-time global tool to be viewed among carriers worldwide. Also, customers can use the ‘Filter’ for the list or explore the world map to find vehicle locations and select the best option based on details such as carrier prices, loading/unloading dates, and others to submit requests. This way, shippers achieve direct visibility for market global or local players and obtain a wide range of choices upon their shipment requirements.

Any needs can be met; as for undersized cargo, users can apply for consolidated freight services or receive quotations for transportation by sea, air, road, and rail anytime with profit.

Users can explore the following capabilities:

  • detailed information about the transport and its location or the desired transportation route;
  • data about the transport, both from the list of cards and the map;
  • transport filtering by location, type, price range, etc.;
  • copying the link to the selected transport unit;
  • sending requests for transport setup, specifying desired routes and prices;
  • chat with the manager about the chosen transport units.

For Transportation providers

The ‘Transport’ tab gathers all freight forwarders and carriers, including DF Alliance members, who can promote their fleets for shippers and check out the list of other transports. Users offer transport services, indicating where it is located and what directions and routes it provides transportation, as well as rates for services.

Copy and share the link to your own or partner’s transport offering card to easily communicate with your customers and other counterparties, providing them with direct access to your service quotations.

Let’s explore cross-management solutions for transport providers below:

Match with Structural Quotes

The Structural Quotes is a solution that ensures SeaRates Vendors and DFA Premium Members access to active shipping leads to provide customized quotations for transportation requests and more. The Logistics Map is full of urgent or regular shippers’ requests. Our users can meet such needs with breakdown/lumpsum transportation quotes, enabling customized logistics experiences for more shippers to engage loyalty and increase bookings. A global audience can be efficiently encouraged by affordable and streamlined quotations that meet particular needs for transportation by sea, air, road, or rail.

Opportunities for DFA Premium Members

Digital Freight Alliance (DFA) Premium Members can exchange their vehicles directly without any fees or moderation. What's more, you have access to a live chat to handle all requests, bookings, etc. that Members can execute within the DF Alliance.

If you are interested in an enhanced global shipping experience within the digital freight forwarding community worldwide, receiving exclusive offers to scale your trade, and having access to efficient logistics tools, check out DFA Membership details and leave your inquiry to the SeaRates team.

Benefits of Transport Management with the Logistics Map & Virtual Office

Broad cross-integration within the SeaRates ecosystem

To achieve extra possibilities and a greater management level, logistics providers worldwide explore Logistics Map as a solution to promote their transportation services by accounting in the ‘Transport’ tab in the Virtual Office for easier data gathering and management. SeaRates Transportation Management System (TMS) is used to supplement logistics asset management with global coverage. Then, the Structural Quotes solution is one more example of profitable adjacent integration with the Logistics Map; carriers achieve a smooth path from finding transportation requests to creating customized breakdown/lumpsum quotations and successfully making more bookings.

Global market coverage and visibility

Our users get straightforward access to features to simplify and transparent logistics & trade operations for businesses of all sizes, types, and requirements. Through the Virtual Office ‘Transport’ panel and ‘Transport’ management tab in the Logistics Map, shippers and transportation providers get full visibility and transparency of their supply chain handling and rate management to finally find the most appropriate shipping solutions for both sides of the logistics processes.

Extensive business capabilities

Ensure promotion capabilities to provide transport services with your own tariffs. Carriers will have the opportunity to gain a wider audience by simply placing their trucks, containers, vessels, wagons, and aircraft on the world map in real-time for targeted shippers directly.

Comprehensive data collection

We provide an intuitive interface to assist our clients in gathering, accounting, and managing the comprehensive scope of data, avoiding missing any key details and extra necessary information. Collect extensive data on each transport asset in one convenient place. This high level of information gathering and storing opens users with wider capability to operate based on advanced information they collect, edit, share within counterparties, utilize for analytics reports, and more.

Advanced customer experience

The single smooth-operated tool for shipping for shippers and logistics providers is a comprehensive marketplace with a wide range of business opportunities and transparency of transportation market guarantee. A streamlined interface allows users to effortlessly find transportation quotes or promote services depending on their role and account type in the SeaRates marketplace.


The transportation management within the SeaRates ecosystem is integrated and executed side-by-side with such solutions as Virtual Office, Logistics Map, Structural Quotes, TMS, and more for smooth accounting and monitoring, which assists in extensive visibility of business processes:

  • The SeaRates ‘Transport’ panel in the Virtual Office serves as an easy-to-use platform for digital logistics for accounting and monitoring and assists in extensive visibility of business transport assets. Our team ensures a convenient digital environment and an intuitive interface for solving any daily needs and long-term requirements.
  • The ‘Transport’ tab is a new feature in the Logistics Map that ensures the tool serves an intuitive and widely extensive management solution to achieve transparency and profitability in transportation operations.

Carriers of any kind and size can completely meet their business-specific demands with a versatile approach to logistics and trading management at SeaRates. We are glad to offer extensive key solutions to streamline the supply chain, which is the main reason for our successful cooperation with companies of all sizes around the world.

Reach out to us at [email protected] to start a profitable path of improving logistics and trade through intuitive, advanced solutions and products our team provides for your specific needs.

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Sophia Shkuro is a content manager from Dnipro, Ukraine. Believes that the more complex a thing is, the easier it should be to write about it. Dreams of a future vacation by the sea.
