RAL Konteyner Takip Sistemi

The activities of Royal Arctic cover a number of subsidiaries and divisions. Approximately 650 people are employed in the organisation. The parent company is Royal Arctic Line Ltd, which is owned by the Home Rule Government of Greenland.

Royal Arctic Line offers a liner service (year around) all year round every week between Greenland and the rest of the world via Aalborg, Denmark, as well as shipments to Greenlandic towns.

Harbour Service handles all work in the Greenlandic harbours. Royal Arctic Tankers ships oil and other types of fuel to the Greenlandic towns and settlements.

Forwarding activities such as air transport, combined air–ship transport and consolidation are carried out by Royal Arctic Spedition. Royal Arctic Liner agency represents Royal Arctic Line in Denmark where in excess of 85,000 consignments are booked and co-ordinated per year. ACO (Arctic Container Operation) is responsible for the practical handling of the goods that are to be sent to or from Greenland via Aalborg in Denmark.