How creating a dropshipping business can set your free from the rat race

The stress of modern society is coming to a high point. In the past few years, there has been a rise in the search for online work, passive income, and telecommuting jobs. The interest in these topics shows that workers don't want to live their lives at work and would rather be at home. Dropshipping is a major way tired workers can take their lives back into their hands.

It can free a person from their commute and the stress of traffic.

Driving to and from work is one of the biggest stressors in the workforce. Every Monday to Friday, workers of all industries around the country have to navigate the roads, get on the freeway, deal with traffic, and find a parking spot all before they clock into work. Some people work so far from their jobs that they have to travel two hours each way just to stay employed. But if they worked at home with a dropshipping business, there would be no commute at all. Fewer vehicles on the road mean that workers would be less stressed out, which would improve their health greatly.

They will have more time for themselves.

The average American worker commutes to and from work 35 minutes to at least 1 hour each way. If they were at home managing a dropshipping store, they could better use that time to sleep, focus on a hobby, or spend time with their family. Because they're working at home, there would be no need to dress up in uncomfortable clothes. One major perk of adding a dropshipping store is that they can change the scenery at any time by going to a coffee shop, restaurant, or coworking space.

They will save money.

Whether you commute by car or by public transportation, if you no longer have to leave your home, you can save a ton of money on gas and public transportation fees. No longer will you have to spend 60 to $80 every ten days filling up your gas tank. Your car won't need repairs as often, and you won't be tempted to buy fast food after a long and stressful day. Don't forget that you can skip your daily coffee purchase because you will now make it at home, which is much cheaper!

Workers can be healthier.

With the extra hours in your day, as well as the money you will save switching from a nine-to-five job to a remote dropshipping online store, you will be able to plan out your meals and eat healthier. You won't have to sacrifice your meals and your body to fast food corporations. Even if you cannot cook, eating healthy microwave meals is still better than eating out. And the sandwiches are so easy to make! Also, there will be more time in your day to work out and move your body. You can go to the gym at 2 pm or take a walk when the sun starts to set.


There's no end to the benefits of leaving the rat race and embracing the entrepreneurial lifestyle by starting your own dropshipping store! You can say goodbye to commutes, a terrible diet, high levels of stress, and spending money. But you can say welcome to more time for yourself, a healthier diet, more money, and control over your own life!

Adam is a 6 figure dropshipper, eCommerce enthusiast, and head of digital marketing at SaleSource - the all-in-one eCommerce tool.
