Product Tankers

Product tankers

Product tankers


This is a subtype of an oil tanker. The product tankers range in size from general-purpose tankers to about 160,000 DWT.

This type of vessel carries two groups of oil products:

a) White products (diesel fuel, gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, lubricating oils, etc.)

b) Black products (fuel oil, residual oils).

Product tankers are divided into many categories, depending on the size and type of possible product loading.

The differences between the white and black product tankers are the following:

White product tankers are thoroughly cleaned before each loading. They have a special coating that prevents corrosion. They also have perfect segregation systems that protect separate grades of cargo without the risk of contamination. Black product tankers are not specially coated, however, they are usually equipped with heating coils to be able to pump high-density grades of fuel oil.